Working from home– Benefits and Downfalls 2

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A bad manager can make a great job terrible, while a good manager can make a terrible job tolerable. How can you tell a good manager from a bad one? These are five key characteristics.
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A Manpower survey found that nearly 40% of global candidates say that a flexible schedule is one of the top three things they consider when choosing a job.
But, flexible schedules aren’t the only important part of management—treating employees as individuals is essential as well. This means that you can vary in how you react to different situations. Management “by fiat” where there is one solution for all employees doesn’t make your company a great place to work.
Good managers treat their people as people.
That means they treat them with flexibility and understanding.
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Let’s say a job description says “flexible schedules” and “supportive environment.” But then after you get the job, you find out that the boss’s definition of flexibility means you can come to work any time between 7:55 and 8:02.
The supportive environment turns out to be that everyone has to be at the office at all times, supporting each other. If this is the case, you’ll start to hate the job—even if the work is excellent.
Honesty doesn’t mean rudeness, but it does mean correcting problems when they come up. Giving employees specific examples of how, when, and what they can improve is far more valuable than nicely ignoring a problem.
Managers, of course, cannot tell employees confidential information, but they can tell them what they need to know to do their jobs. Honest managers don’t hoard information.
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Many employment laws center on the concept of compassion. If your employee has a new baby, it’s kind to let the new mom or dad have time off to bond with the baby. It’s also the law under the Family Medical Leave Act (if your employee qualifies).
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There are millions of ways to become a good manager—no strict pattern exists that every good manager must follow every time. But these basic principles can help managers help their employees succeed. Successful employees lead to successful businesses, which should be the goal of all managers